Background: Homoeopathy is a system of medicine, which has emerged as the second largest alternative mode of treatment. It is the second largest alternative way of treatment according to the world health organization. Purpose of this survey was to know how many students of different colleges of Lahore know about this system of medicine.
Methodology: A study was conducted to evaluate the awareness of homeopathic science among college students of Lahore. Approval was taken from relevant college’s administration. This survey was comprised of five basic questions through which results were drawn. Both female and male participated in this survey. The age limit of participants was not more than 25 years.
Results: Total 200 students participated in this survey and their responses to the questions were relatively good. Do you believe/know homeopathy? About this question total 78% of the participants responded ‘Yes’ while only 22% of the participants had no belief on homeopathy or they do not know about homeopathy. The second question was asked from all participants so that we come to know from which source they heard about homeopathy and 61% participants heard about homeopathy from their family members As homeopathic medicines are, consider safe having no side effects so this question was asked to know the response of participants about the safety of homeopathic medicines. Total 80% of the participants responded positively that homeopathic medicines have no side effects and 14 % said they have no idea about it.
Conclusion: The survey revealed that students of different colleges of Lahore are well aware of homeopathic system of medicine. They had sufficient knowledge and positive attitude towards homeopathy
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